Tools machines

Need a new format?

A technical team will support you from A to Z in the creation of your new packaging.
Thanks to its long-standing expertise in the design and production of tooling, the Emballage Technologies Group will be able to respond to your applications.

  • Design and development of your packaging
  • Prototyping
  • Optimised designs for rapid, agile format changes
  • 3D printing for manufacturing parts
  • Adapting tools for multi-make machines
  • ...

Primary packaging tools

Outillages-SERMATEC- emballage primaire

For your primary packaging, a range of formers, for plastic film and paper, for horizontal bagging machines.
Sailor's necks and goosenecks for vertical bagging machines.

Tools for secondary packaging

For your secondary packaging, we offer tools for pistoning, volume setting and box assembly (punches, dies, magazines, etc.).